difference Galois theory
A Galoisian proof of Ritt theorem on the differential transcendence of Poincaré functions
Action of an endomorphism on (the solutions of) a linear differential equation
Approche galoisienne de la transcendance différentielle
Articles et preprints
Courbures, groupes de Galois génériques et D-groupoïdes de Galois d'un système aux D-différences
Descent for differential Galois theory of difference equations. Confluence and q-dependency
Difference algebraic relations among solutions of linear differential equations
Difference Galois theory for the "applied" mathematician
Difference Galois theory of linear differential equations
Differential transcendence of Bell numbers and relatives: a Galois theoretic approach
Galois theories for q-difference equations: comparison theorems
Inhomogeneous order 1 iterative functional equations with applications to combinatorics
Intrinsic approach to Galois theory of q-difference equations
On the arithmetic theory of q-difference equations. The q-analogue of the Grothendieck-Katz's conjecture on p-curvatures